Next Step: Senate Hearing

tbd, at New Hampshire State House

Once a committee is assigned, a hearing will be scheduled

Hearings are streamed live online, but showing up in person is more effective

Make your voice heard by calling, emailing, submitting testimony, signing in electronically or physically in support, and giving live testimony.

Sign-up form coming soon


How It Works

Senate hearings are held in the scheduled room, no matter the size of the crowd. There will be sign in sheets to register your support or disapproval of the bills to be considered, and on that form you mark if you wish to speak.

If you don't secure a seat in the hearing room, you can stream the hearing on your device from the hall. If you signed up to speak, stay close because someone will come to the door and call your name when it is your turn.

Keep testimony under 3 minutes. Keep it brief, respectful, and on message.

After the Hearing, Executive Session

tbd, at New Hampshire State House

After the hearing, the committee chairman will schedule an executive session

This is where the committee votes on a recommendation for the full Senate

This vote is critical, so make sure the Senators on the committee know how important it is to pass this bill to protect kids.

Sign-up form coming soon

Full Senate Vote

This is a full court press to ensure passage of HB619.

If passed without amendment, it goes straight to the Governor.

If amended, it will return to the House.

Getting to the State House

107 N Main St, Concord NH

The State House is located in Concord, off the Loudon Rd exit on I-93.

There are a few parking garages available to the public, and paid street parking.

Your support is critical!

Make sure the your Senator knows how important it is to you that this commonsense bill to protect trans kids by waiting until 18 becomes law.

The Tuskegee Experiment was a horrible stain on our country's medical history. Stop the gaslighting that these surgeries are safe and effective for kids, and wait until 18 in New Hampshire.